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Artwork Marketplace and Community Platform HeartX Announces App Product Close Beta

HeartX, an artwork marketplace and community platform, just announced that its app product starts the Close Beta Test today. It’s available now on both App Store and HeartX official website, but only people with the limited invitation code can register as community members and start earning by voting.

ABO Digital Commits $25M to Extended Reality Metaverse Company Spheroid Universe

Spheroid secures $25 million in an investment commitment from ABO Digital as a strategic financing partner.

Sonar Announces The Launch Of Sonar Studio v 0.3

This week, Sonar has introduced the much anticipated Sonar Studio v 0.3 update installment. Sonar Studio is the central cryptocurrency analytical and portfolio tracking mainstay of the Sonar Ecosystem. The 0.3 update consists of three main components: Sonar Studio redesign and optimization, the addition of the Sonar Academy, and the rollout and integration of Sonar Blockchain API. Sonar Studio is the foundation that the rest of the Sonar Ecosystem will be built upon. Sonar aims to create a comprehensive user experience and OS for Web3. Users will be able to interact and browse every aspect of Web3 using the Sonar suite of tools and wallet.

IEEE PES中国区Power & Energy云论坛首期上线

为促进电力与能源领域专家学者交流,探讨新形势下国际合作模式。IEEE PES中国区组织召开“Power & Energy云论坛”。


2020年4月29日,GlobalSTOX Limited環球證券通證有限公司(以下簡稱「GSL」),欣然宣佈其下全資附屬機構 HKSTOX Finance Limited獲批香港信託或公司服務提供者牌照(Trust or Company Service Providers License,以下簡稱「TCSP牌照」),牌照編號為TC007109。

SITCON 學生計算機年會

SITCON 學生計算機年會(Students' Information Technology Conference)是一場東亞最大的學生開源研討會,由學生自發舉辦,致力於推廣學生資訊教育與開源精神,也希望參與者在年會能找到志同道合的夥伴、相互切磋,一同精進。

美联储前主席耶伦下月访港 担任亚洲金融论坛演讲嘉宾 环球商界领袖剖析经济前景

第 13 届亚洲金融论坛将于 2020 年 1 月 13 及 14 日(星期一及星期二)假湾仔香港会议展览中心隆重举行,多位来自世界各地的商界领袖将来港分享真知灼见。今届论坛主题为「重塑增长:创新.突破.共融」,环球金融专家、财金官员、商界翘楚及经济学家将会探讨环球经济热话,探索新机遇。今届论坛涵盖多元化的议题,包括环球新经济、金融科技、可持续和共容发展及绿色金融等,助与会者早着先机,把握新经济浪潮的机遇。


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