Cyber Science 2020 - Pioneering Research & Innovation in Cyber Situational Awareness - Blockchain.News

Cyber Science 2020 - Pioneering Research & Innovation in Cyber Situational Awareness

News Publisher Nov 27, 2019 16:00

Cyber Science is an IEEE sponsored event, in partnership with the Dublin City University, Ireland. The event comprises four joint and co-located internationally refereed conferences, namely: Cyber Situational Awareness (CyberSA), Social Media, Cyber Security and Cyber Incident.

Cyber Science 2020 - Pioneering Research & Innovation in Cyber Situational Awareness

IEEE Cyber Science.jpg 

Cyber Science is an IEEE sponsored event, in partnership with the Dublin City University, Ireland. The event comprises four joint and co-located internationally refereed conferences, namely: Cyber Situational Awareness (CyberSA), Social Media, Cyber Securityand Cyber Incident.

This premier event will feature notable keynote speakers from industry, academia, and government who will speak and discuss topical and emerging topics ranging from Blockchain, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cyber Insurance, Cyber Situational Awareness, Cyber Incident Response, and Government Security. The conference will also feature three workshops: Cyber Insurance and Risk Controls, Agile & Software Security (SecSE) and Blockchain.

In addition, the event will include multiple plenary sessions that encourage participation from participants – a truly multidisciplinary approach.

All accepted and presented papers at the conference will be considered for listing in the IEEE Xplore Library. All previous episodes have been listed in Xplore, DBLP and other reputation bibliographic indexes.

There will be social evening dinners and drinks and group photos across the three days of the conference. 

Submission of Research Paper

The deadline for submission of papers is 26th January 2020.

Please prepare your paper according to the formatting guidelines (Word document/PDF template/LaTeX). All accepted papers must complete an IEEE e-copyright form.

Authors must use the online submission systems hosted by EasyChair Conference System to submit their papers. If you don't have an EasyChair account, you will need to create one and then login in order to submit your papers. Please read the Submission Instructions before submitting your work in the system.

Submission Instructions

Both long (8 pages max., roughly 8,000 words) and short (4 pages max., roughly 4,000 words) paper submissions should be written in English and be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference portal. Submission file formats are PDF and Microsoft Word using the IEEE templates that can be found at the corresponding C-MRiC website. Authors wishing to present a Poster, Industry Proof of Concept (PoC), Work in Progress (WIP), Research Ideas, or PhD Seminar may submit a 2page extended abstract using the online submission systems hosted by EasyChair Conference System, which, if accepted, will appear in the conference proceedings.

Conference Venue

Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland

Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland

Contact Us

Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Collaboration (C-MRiC.ORG)

Please follows us on Twitter Twitter:


Image source: Shutterstock